Benefit's Boss Brows
“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” - Sigmund Freud
If eyes are the window to the soul, the the eyebrow is the foundation because it holds everything together. It supports the features, it grounds the emotive qualities of the face, and when done well, it doesn't draw attention to itself. Without a good brow, your entire makeup look falls apart whether it's etched on in excess, haphazardly, or not at all. I personally am a brow-believer; it's my favorite feature to play up (aside from lashes & lips), so I am constantly hunting for new and improved brow products.
Benefit Cosmetics is touted as the queen of brows in the beauty industry, and generally I do indeed bow to their expertise (ABH is my second choice though). While at the IMATS LA after having done extensive research on some fine-tipped brow pencils, I collected a handful from Benefit to add to my kit. So let me tell you about these Precisely, My Brow Pencil phenomenons that I've fallen head over heels for lately...

Precisely, My Brow Pencils in 2, 3, 4.5, & 5
I LOVE THEM! I mean, I knew they were great, but I didn't know they were THAT great! Added bonus, they're water-resistant. This is a very fine-tipped, self-sharpening, twist-up pencil with a spoolie attached on the opposite end, very similar to the ABH Brow Wiz. I honestly am having difficulty understanding the difference between the two aside from price range. The ABH pencil is $21 for .003oz while the Benefit pencil is $24 for .002oz making the difference of ABH at $7/.001oz versus Benefit at $12/.001oz. Yikes. Big difference for consumers, but for me who has a pro MUA discount of 30% with ABH versus 40% with Benefit, I actually get a better deal with Benefit ($.30 less than ABH).
There are 8 choices for color, 1 through 6 and a 3.5 & a 4.5, and I purchased 2, 3, 4.5, & 5 for starters. They apply perfectly, not too dry, not to creamy, and that fine tip makes the most realistic-looking hairs while the tiny spoolie gently fans them out. The colors are universal and mixable when hair isn't the exact shade of the pencil, so I love creating dimension with 2 colors. Go grab one and try it for yourself - I promise you won't be disappointed!