Summertime Lip Newbies
"Soul meets soul on lovers' lips" - Percy Bysshe Shelley
Lip products will never cease to excite me, so naturally you're seeing a LOT of blog posts about lipsticks, lip stains, lipglosses, etc. Today we're looking at two relatively new drugstore brand lipglosses I've recently discovered, a Milani and an NYX gloss.

Left to right: NYX Lip Lingerie Shimmer in "Bare with Me" & Milani Amore Shine Liquid Lip Color "Amore"
Both glosses are thick, gloopy glosses, but one has shimmer and the other is a highly pigmented shade. Let's start with:
NYX's Lip Lingerie Shimmer in "Bare with Me" for $7.50! This peachy, champagne shimmer is GORGEOUS. Truly. It's so frosty, but the glitter is understated and reminiscent of that signature JLo nude lip. The problem I found with it though is that it made my lips feel a bit itchy, and they peeled ever so slightly over time. I couldn't tell if it was the glitter clumping up or the chemical make-up of the liquid that was the culprit. Most likely I was just sensitive or allergic to the product in general which is a real bummer because I loooooooved the color!
Milani Amore Shine Liquid Lip Color "Amore" for $9 is up next! This is a summery strawberry-colored, moisturizing gloss, and it's a real looker. I really have no beef with it, but those who don't like menthol-based glosses may find it irritating. I personally love that feel, but I know many ladies who don't. The feel is luxurious as is the rich color pay-off, and it lasted well over the course of several hours.

Left to right: Milani Amore Shine Liquid Lip Color "Amore" & NYX Lip Lingerie Shimmer in "Bare with Me"

Both of these glosses are excellent purse additions at reasonable prices and with decent overall performance. And here's a fun fact; the NYX Lip Lingerie line has matte, shimmer (reviewed here), AND glitter textures (referenced in an old post here), so now that I've tested the first two, I feel I simply have to try the glitter's only fair right? It would further fuel my passionate glitter obsession...